Portland Commercial Playground | 16-20 Week Lead Time
With its quirky design, this playset is ideal for children of all abilities who like slides, bridges, and imaginative on-ground play! With three 48" square raised platforms, two of which are connected by a lovely Tube Bridge, complete with viewing glass, the Portland design is really unique. In addition, the Portland has a Number Climber and a Vertical Ladder to provide additional physical challenges. Stairs also provide access to the major platforms of the structure for children. ADA-compliant features like as the right turn, double, and wave slides help youngsters get to the bottom of the structure in a fun and safe manner. At the bottom of the structure, they'll discover a Bench Panel, Ship's Wheel, Single Drum, Pull Bar, and Bongos to keep them entertained. A gear panel on the upper level encourages participation and imaginative play, and the structure is large enough to accommodate a complete class of children at the same time, along with a selection of play accessories to keep them entertained.
Age Range: 2-12 years
Child Capacity: 43-50
Fall Height: 48"
Post Diameter: 3.5-inch
Safety Zone: 26' 1" x 39' 5"