Hudson Yards
The Hudson Yards play structure is ideal for youngsters between the ages of 5 and 12 years old, according to the manufacturer. It has been designed to accommodate a maximum of 24 to 28 youngsters. It has a fall height of 7 feet and a safety zone that is 27' 2" x 30' 4" in dimensions. This play structure is available in two color schemes: a neutral color scheme and a primary color scheme. Tan, brown, and green are the colors that make up the neutral color pallet. The main color palette is comprised of the colors yellow, red, blue, and green, among others. The play structure in Hudson Yards includes a pod climber, a pebble climber, a double wave slide, and an overhead snake ladder, among other features. It comes with a labyrinth panel, a seat panel, and a rain wheel, among other features.
Age Range: 5-12 years
Child Capacity: 24-28
Fall Height: 84"
Post Diameter: 3.5-inch
Safety Zone: 27' 10" x 30' 9"