Mount Humphrey Commercial Playground | 16-20 Week Lead Time
With its spreading range of fantastic activities, the Mount Humphrey Play Structure turns any playground into an extraordinary paradise where youngsters can develop thrilling new experiences with their friends. On either side of its main raised platform, there are slides that shoot out in every direction. Due to the large number of slides, dozens of children may utilize them at the same time with little waiting time between each one. The ground level of the construction includes an obstacle course with a variety of tough games for children to complete. Net Climbers connect the three main structures, while twisted Challenge Climbers extend out beyond them to connect the rest of the structure together. Children may move from these climbers to a zany Balance Bridge, and then via a Floating Balance Bridge to a string of Pebble Climbers, which is located at the end of the playground. The Snake Climber, Spiral Climber, and Pod Climber are among the vertical climbers that lead up to the slide decks, which are in addition to the ground-floor climbers mentioned above.
Age Range: 5-12 years
Child Capacity: 85-97
Fall Height: 96"
Post Diameter: 4.5-inch
Safety Zone: 52' 4" x 64' 2"