Greensboro Commercial Play System | 16-20 Week Lead Time
It is an all-out obstacle course with a number of wonderful games for kids to enjoy at every turn. The Greensboro play system is a terrific place for families to spend time together. Starting with a basic Overhead Straight Rung Horizontal Ladder, which gives a pleasant method to approach the building while also encouraging coordination and physical fitness, the structure progresses to a more complex design. As they progress up the stairs, they will see that this play structure, with its interactive Gear Panel, also promotes cognitive development. A little while after that, they will come upon the first of two 5-foot-tall Right Turn Slides, which may be utilized to make a speedy departure from Greensboro. The second slide is located across an Arch Bridge, which provides ample space for several children to run about on. A Wavy Snake Climber and an Arch Climber are located on either side of this slide. These serve as both fascinating climbing places for children and speedy routes for them to return to the entrance of the slide, allowing them to ride it again and again without becoming tired of it.
Age Range: 5-12 years
Child Capacity: 33-38
Fall Height: 84"
Post Diameter: 3.5-inch
Safety Zone: 24' x 44' 8"