Playground Equipment

Cape May Commercial Playground | 16-20 Week Lead Time

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Cape May is a fantastic play system for children older than five years old. In addition to having a lofty structure that provides lots of room to roam about, it also features slides that are equally distributed throughout it. The tallest of the park's four slides rises an exhilarating 6-feet above the ground and includes a Wave Slide and a Right Turn Slide, among other attractions. There are also two shorter Straight Slides, each measuring 4 feet in length, for children who wish to take it a bit easier. Tube Bridge is located between two shorter slides and allows children to travel the structure through a safe enclosed passageway between the two shorter slides. In addition to the Sea Creature Climber, the Inverted Arch Ladder, and the Twisted Arch Ladder are some of the other obstacles that kids may utilize to move around the play structure. The range of activities available on these climbers allows children to select the sort of activity that they want, and their location makes it simple for children to access and depart the structure without being obstructed.

Child Capacity: 51-59
Fall Height: 72"
Post Diameter: 3.5-inch
Safety Zone: 39' x 42' 2"