Beech Grove Commercial Play System | 16-20 Week Lead Time
Beech Grove is a play structure that blends everything that young children like into one convenient location. All children, regardless of physical ability, may climb the transfer station stairs, which feature broad steps and adequate handrails to allow them to enter. There is also a little Vertical Snake Ladder with three steps for those who are looking for a little more of a test of their strength. This provides them with some discretion in determining how they will navigate the framework. The main deck is equipped with a straight double slide, which is a delightful activity that every youngster may participate in. Due to the fact that it is a double slide, two children may utilize it at the same time. The deck also includes a bubble glass panel, which provides children with a fantastic vantage point from which to scan the surrounding region and observe wildlife. It has a Tic-Tac-Toe board underneath it, which allows children to challenge their peers to games while being protected by the deck and Square Roof.
Age Range: 2-5 years
Child Capacity: 14-17
Fall Height: 36"
Post Diameter: 3.5-inch
Safety Zone: 17' 6" x 26' 3"