Playground Equipment

Baraboo Commercial Playground | 16-20 Week Lead Time

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Baraboo is a big playground structure that incorporates a variety of entertaining activities in a "kitchen sink" style approach to features. It's a veritable treasure trove of interesting things to skitter up to, run across, crawl in, and toy with. The magnetic draw of the Maze Panel might drive one child towards solving the mystery of the cryptic Maze Panel, while another set of children nearby competes in a climbing competition to see who can reach the above Tube Bridge first. Will it be the children who scale the Inverted Arch Ladder or the knobby grips on the Climbing Wall that make the difference? When adults see children flying down the Double Right Turn Slide wave to their pals who are carefully balancing on the fake leaves of the Leaf Climber Wavy, they will grin with excitement and wonder what they are thinking. An ADA-compliant Rain Wheel and Single Drum located on the ground level surrounding the base of the structure provide play options for physically challenged youngsters, promoting enjoyment for all while maintaining ADA compliance.

Age Range: 2-12 years
Child Capacity: 64-74
Fall Height: 72"
Post Diameter: 3.5-inch
Safety Zone: 36' 2" x 39 '7"